Considering setting up Solar Panels at home? Here’s what you should know.

Almost all countries worldwide encounter energy challenges, which significantly impact their economic growth. The increasing demand for energy is putting pressure on the limited conventional energy reserves. The global energy demand currently stands at 10 Terra Watts (equivalent to 3 x 1020 Joules/year) and is projected to reach 30 Terra Watts by 2030 [1-3]. The rising energy needs clash with the necessity for a clean and eco-friendly environment. To address these challenges, the development of alternative energy sources is imperative. Solar cells, which can convert sunlight into electricity, offer a promising solution due to the sustainable nature and abundant supply of solar energy. With conventional energy sources depleting and posing environmental concerns, solar energy holds potential as a future energy solution. The total energy requirement of 10 TW equals 3 x 1020 J per year. In contrast, the solar energy reaching the earth’s surface amounts to 2.6 x 1024 Joules annually. For comparison, the energy converted through photosynthesis across the earth’s surface reaches 2.8 x 1021 J per year. By covering just 0.05% of the earth’s surface with solar cells with 20% efficiency, all energy needs on earth can be met.

What is the Function and Operation of a Solar Panel System?

The demand for electricity has been on the rise in recent years. Indonesia has initiated steps to explore new renewable energy sources, with a particular focus on solar energy for solar power plants. Many major cities in Indonesia have adopted solar panels for various purposes, such as generating electricity for irrigation machines and street lights.

Solar panels are an assembly of solar cells strategically positioned to effectively capture sunlight. The solar cell is responsible for absorbing sunlight and comprises various photovoltaic components capable of converting light into electricity. Typically, solar cells consist of a semiconductor layer of silicon, metal, anti-reflective material, and a metal conductor strip. The generated electrical energy can be utilized directly or stored in a battery, and with the assistance of an inverter that converts DC current to AC, it can be used to power electronic devices.

Solar panels represent an advanced technology that converts solar energy into electricity. Installing them on rooftops maximizes the utilization of solar energy.

Solar panel system – Solar panels can serve as a cost-effective and promising long-term independent power source. Different from traditional electricity, this electric power originates from sunlight, a renewable energy source. Conversely, conventional electricity relies on non-renewable fossil fuels. With the global population increasing, the demand for electricity is expected to surge. Therefore, transitioning to renewable energy sources like solar power is becoming increasingly essential to preserve the earth’s equilibrium.

The quantity of solar cells assembled into a solar panel directly correlates with the energy produced. In essence, the more solar cells employed, the greater the conversion of solar energy into electrical energy. Various types of solar cells available in the market include Monocrystalline Silicon PV Module, Polycrystalline Silicon PV Module, Amorphous Silicon PV Module, and Hybrid Silicon PV Module.

Solar cells operate by utilizing particles known as “Photons,” which are tiny particles of sunlight. When a photon makes contact with the semiconductor atom of the solar cell, it can produce significant energy to separate electrons from its atomic structure. The separated, negatively charged electrons are then free to move within the conduction band region of the semiconductor material, creating “holes” with a positive charge in the atomic structure of the atoms that lost the electrons.

Areas of the semiconductor that contain free electrons are considered negative and act as electron donors, known as N-type semiconductors. Conversely, the “hole” semiconductor area, acting as an electron receiver, is referred to as a Pdi-type semiconductor. The interface between the positive and negative areas generates energy that propels electrons and holes to move in opposite directions, with electrons moving away from the negative region and holes moving away from the positive region. When connected to a load, such as a lamp or other electrical device, the solar cell generates an electric current.

In essence, when a solar cell absorbs light, there is a transfer of electrons between the positive and negative sides. This transfer creates an electric current that can be utilized as energy for electronic devices.

Types of Solar Panels

Understanding the different types of solar panels is crucial to ensure the selection of the appropriate type based on specific needs. Here are some varieties of solar panels that should be known:

Monocrystalline Silicon

This type of solar panel, widely utilized, offers several advantages, including high efficiency and a long lifespan. The solar cells composing the panel are created from pure silicon crystals that are thinly sliced using a machine to form a circular shape. The panel is termed “monocrystalline” due to the utilization of single crystal silicon.

The efficiency of monocrystalline silicon solar panels exceeds 20%, significantly higher than other types of solar panels. This high efficiency indicates that this solar panel can effectively convert solar energy into electricity, requiring a smaller cross-sectional area to produce the same amount of energy compared to other types of solar panels. However, monocrystalline silicon panels are the most expensive and of the highest quality.

Thin Film Solar Cell

This solar panel is labeled “thin film” due to the utilization of very thin solar cells, approximately 10 nm in thickness, which is much thinner than the crystalline silicon type measuring 200 – 300 nm. The thin layer is applied to surfaces such as glass, plastic, or metal.

Due to its thinness, this solar panel is lightweight and flexible. Additionally, it does not experience reduced performance at higher temperatures, unlike other types of solar panels. Unfortunately, the energy conversion efficiency of thin film panels is relatively low, approximately 10%.

Polycrystalline Silicon

This type of solar panel is produced from silicon crystal rods that are melted or liquefied and then poured into a square mold. The arrangement is tidier and denser, and the solar cells exhibit characteristics such as cracks or fragments. As the name suggests, this type of solar panel consists of numerous silicon crystal fragments.

The efficiency of polycrystalline silicon solar panels is approximately 17%. Despite having lower efficiency than monocrystalline silicon panels, this type is widely used due to its relatively more affordable price.

What is an inverter?

An inverter is a device found on a solar panel that functions to convert the DC (Direct Current) produced by the solar panel into AC (Alternating Current). The electricity generated by the solar panel is initially in the form of DC current, requiring conversion into AC current using an inverter to power household electrical equipment.

How Solar Panels Function

The basic operation of solar panels is as follows:

Solar panels transform sunlight into electricity.

An inverter converts the electricity generated by the solar panels from direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC).

The electricity is utilized to power your electrical appliances.

Storing Solar Panel Energy

A common inquiry about solar power is: What is the use of solar power if the sun isn’t always shining? Although solar energy depends on sunlight to produce electricity, advancements in energy storage have enabled year-round energy usage.

Solar panel energy storage is commonly achieved using batteries. These batteries may include lead-acid batteries, nickel-cadmium batteries, lithium-ion batteries, and flow batteries. The preferred choice is typically lithium-ion batteries due to their lower maintenance, increased durability, and reduced space requirements compared to other conventional batteries.

In solar energy storage, solar panels release electrons in exchange for the connection to your phone or computer. These electrons then pass through a regulator to ensure the appropriate energy flow, preventing overcharging and power depletion. The final step involves converting the energy into the suitable type for the intended use. Solar power typically provides electricity in the form of direct current (DC), while the electricity we commonly use is in the form of alternating current (AC). By using an inverter, the DC current is converted to AC current, completing the final step in utilizing your solar power!

What are the kinds of solar energy storage?

Solar energy storage exists in various forms, and although not all types are suitable for homeowners, numerous methods are available to harness solar power. The primary types of solar energy storage include:

Electricity storage. Electricity storage is likely the most familiar form of energy storage, utilizing batteries to store and convert power into electricity. It can be employed to power nearly anything in your home. The predominant form of electricity storage is the lead-acid battery, but more efficient lithium-ion batteries are becoming increasingly prevalent.

Heat storage. Heat storage involves the use of heat to store energy, and can be either active or passive. Active heat storage utilizes media such as oil and air, which are heated by solar energy and then distributed using pumps or fans. Passive heat storage utilizes materials like concrete or water, which naturally retain heat, to store energy.

Chemical storage. Chemical storage entails the storage of energy in chemical bonds, a type of energy storage distinct from what most homeowners are accustomed to. For instance, in chemical storage, hydrogen gas can store energy and then convert it into electricity. Another method involves using molten salts to store thermal energy until it is needed.

Mechanical storage. Mechanical storage harnesses the potential energy of an object to generate power. These systems convert excess power into mechanical power and then produce usable electricity from its motion. Flywheel storage, for instance, stores excess energy as kinetic energy, which can be used when needed. While the energy production is relatively inexpensive, the initial cost is substantial.

Are you interested in setting up solar panels at your residence?

Solar panels, also known as solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, are devices that can convert sunlight into electrical power through the photovoltaic effect. The generated electrical energy is stored in batteries and used as a power source.

Many of us understand that using solar panels at home can help harness sunlight as a source of electrical energy. It not only helps reduce carbon emissions, thus preserving the environment, but also makes our electricity bills more affordable, saving us money. Additionally, Indonesia’s tropical climate provides easy access to sunlight, making it a substantial energy source.

However, not everyone realizes that installing solar panels is similar to renovating a house. There are numerous factors to consider, especially since it is a significant long-term investment. Here are the things you should know before installing solar panels.

  1. Cost of installation

The installation of solar panels can be quite expensive, usually around USD 2500 million for a two kilo Watt peak (kWp) capacity system in a house. Despite the high initial cost, a two kWp system can power electronic devices throughout the day, potentially reducing monthly electricity bills by half.

  1. Can solar panels be the primary electricity source for our homes?

It is feasible if there is consistent sunlight in the area. To be safe, homeowners can still rely on the electricity grid, especially during the rainy season or in areas with inconsistent sunlight.

  1. Does the roof need to be replaced before installing solar panels?

Solar panels are typically installed on the roof, so it must be structurally sound to support the additional load. If the roof requires renovation within the next five years, it should be addressed before installing solar panels. Keep in mind that solar panel efficiency depends not only on sunlight exposure but also on the roof’s slope. Consulting with the installation contractor is advisable.

  1. Selecting the panel type based on needs and budget

Three primary kinds of solar panels exist: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film. Each type comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. The choice of solar panel should be based on the specific requirements of the home and, of course, the budget. For instance, monocrystalline panels, being more aesthetically pleasing and efficient, are more expensive than the other types.

  1. Importance of solar panel efficiency

When evaluating solar panel options, it is crucial to consider various features such as aesthetics, efficiency, durability, maximum power output, and warranty terms. Efficiency is particularly important, as panels with higher efficiency can produce more power in a smaller space under different sunlight conditions, thus requiring fewer panels to achieve the same power output. This provides more flexibility when designing a panel system for a smaller roof or shaded area.

  1. Choosing the right installation contractor

Selecting a competent contractor to install solar panels is critical, as improper installation can lead to roof damage, reduced power generation, and decreased panel durability.

  1. Seek recommendations from friends or family members.

It is essential to ask for advice from friends or family members who have experience with solar panels and installation contractors. Seeking their guidance is a crucial first step in planning for the installation of solar panels in our homes.

  1. Examine the coating of the solar panel carefully.

When purchasing solar panels, carefully inspect them for any scratches. Small or large scratches can reduce the level of power production. Even shallow scratches can create shadows that interfere with energy conversion. Additionally, a scratched layer can allow air, dust, and water to enter, potentially causing damage to the solar panel’s function in producing electricity.

The Downside of Solar Panels

Electricity has become an indispensable part of human life. Humans have traditionally relied on fossil fuels for electricity generation, which are finite. This has led researchers to seek more effective and sustainable sources of energy, such as renewable energy.

Solar panels are a widely used form of renewable energy, converting sunlight into electricity. While they are relatively inexpensive and easy to maintain, they also have indirect negative impacts on the environment. The materials used in solar panels contain hazardous chemicals, which can pollute the environment if not properly disposed of. Additionally, damage to the panels can release toxic chemicals into the surrounding air. The reflection of light from solar panels can also be harmful to living organisms, potentially causing harm or death to animals and insects.

Positive Environmental Impacts of Solar Panels

Solar energy, primarily derived from sunlight rather than fossil fuels, reduces household expenses and increases property value. Unlike non-renewable energy sources, solar power relies solely on clean water to function, with minimal impact on the environment.

Reduced Dependence on the Electricity Grid

Transitioning away from traditional electricity grids is a significant step towards a cleaner, more sustainable world. Solar panels and battery storage systems can substantially decrease household electricity bills, potentially saving homeowners up to 70% on their energy costs while contributing to a cleaner environment.

Reducing Carbon Emissions

Solar panels help minimize fossil fuel use and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The UN has found that solar panels have a smaller carbon footprint throughout their life cycle compared to fossil fuels, as they do not emit any greenhouse gases during electricity generation.


Most solar panels are made from recyclable materials such as glass and certain metals, which account for about 80% of the panel components. Even elements like polymers and electronics can be recycled. The recycling process involves separating various materials and disposing of them individually based on their composition, including a chemical separation process called delamination to optimize recycling.

Reasons to consider switching to Solar Panels

Electricity usage heavily relies on energy sources, which are primarily categorized into fossil energy and renewable energy. Fossil fuels like coal, petroleum, and natural gas are commonly used for electricity generation, but their sustainability is at risk due to depletion and environmental impact. Therefore, it’s crucial to replace them with renewable energy sources.

Renewable energy, particularly solar energy, offers a more positive impact on the environment. Harnessing the sun’s energy through solar panels can effectively generate electricity for residential use.

Do solar panels operate in overcast conditions?

Yes, solar panels do function on cloudy days, although their efficiency is reduced compared to sunny days. It’s estimated that solar panels produce 10-25% of their normal power output, depending on the thickness of the cloud cover. However, in very hot climates, solar panels’ performance diminishes when the surface temperature exceeds 77 degrees Fahrenheit (25 degrees Celsius).

Interestingly, solar power systems are popular in cities with frequent cloudy days, such as Seattle and Portland. These cities benefit from long, mild summer days, which contribute to maximum solar power production, balancing out lower production in the cloudier winter months.

In summary, solar panels do work on cloudy days, but their effectiveness is decreased. Additionally, solar panels perform poorly in very hot weather. Nevertheless, they can still be useful in various climates.

Do solar panels function at night?

No, solar panels require light, preferably sunlight, to generate energy. While they can produce energy from other light sources like street lights and the moon, the output is minimal. At night, solar panels enter sleep mode, becoming inactive and ceasing electricity production.

How can a household with solar panels access electricity at night?

Although solar panels do not generate electricity at night, they often produce surplus power during the day. To maintain electricity supply after dark, solar customers use solar battery banks to store energy or utilize net metering.

Advantages of Solar Panels

The advantages of having solar panels include:

  1. Environmentally Friendly: Solar panels do not emit greenhouse gases or other pollutants, contributing to a reduced environmental impact.
  2. Renewable Energy: Sunlight is an infinite energy source, enabling sustainable electricity generation through solar panels.
  3. Energy Cost Savings: Despite initial installation costs, solar panels can significantly reduce electricity bills and even generate profits through feed-in tariff programs.
  4. Technological Advancements: Ongoing advancements in solar panel technology lead to higher efficiency and reduced costs.
  5. Reducing Dependence on Fossil Energy: Adoption of solar panels helps decrease reliance on limited and increasingly expensive fossil fuel sources.
  6. Long-term Investment: Solar panels generally have a long service life, making them a profitable long-term investment.

Drawbacks of Solar Panels

Solar panels have several disadvantages, including the following:

  1. Sunlight Dependence: Solar panel efficiency is impacted by sunlight intensity, leading to fluctuations in energy production.
  2. Initial Installation Expenses: While long-term use reduces costs, the initial installation of solar panels can be a significant investment.
  3. Land Usage: Effective solar panel installation requires a large space, which can impact land use.
  4. Environmental Impact of Production: The manufacturing process of solar panels can generate pollution and have negative environmental impacts.
  5. Unsuitability for All Locations: Some areas may not receive enough sunlight to support efficient use of solar panels.

Addressing Solar Panels’ Weaknesses

Despite their drawbacks, there are various ways to overcome these challenges and enhance the efficiency of solar panels. Here are some strategies to mitigate the limitations of solar panels:

  1. Energy Storage: Implement energy storage technologies such as solar batteries to store excess energy generated during sunny days for use when sunlight is limited.
  2. Improved Efficiency: Continuously pursue and implement innovations in solar panel technology to increase energy production efficiency.
  3. Strategic Installation: Select appropriate locations for solar panel installation, considering sunlight intensity and efficient land use.
  4. Recycling and Waste Management: Establish recycling processes to minimize the environmental impact of manufacturing and disposing of used solar panels.

What is the Lifespan of Solar Panels?

Solar panels are a popular solution for producing environmentally friendly and cost-effective energy. Their operation involves the conversion of sunlight into electrical energy. But what is the lifespan of solar panels? Can they last indefinitely? The answers are provided in this article.

Solar Panel Lifespan

The lifespan of solar panels can be categorized into two types:

1. Average Lifespan

Solar panels typically last around 25 years, but their lifespan can vary based on several factors, including:

2. Panel Quality

The quality of the panels affects their lifespan. Poor-quality panels have a shorter lifespan and are more susceptible to damage.

3. Installation Environment

The installation environment also influences panel lifespan. Panels installed in frequently rainy and cloudy areas experience reduced efficiency and a shorter lifespan.

4. Maintenance

Inadequate maintenance shortens the lifespan of solar panels. Therefore, proper maintenance is crucial for extending their lifespan.

5. Maximum Lifespan

The maximum service life of solar panels is approximately 30 years. After this point, their efficiency significantly decreases, eventually leading to an inability to produce electricity.

Factors Affecting Solar Panel Lifespan

Various factors impact the lifespan of solar panels.

  1. Temperature

Solar panels operate more efficiently at lower temperatures, but higher temperatures can cause them to deteriorate rapidly and reduce their lifespan.

  1. Sunlight Intensity

High-intensity sunlight can accelerate the reduction of solar panel service life.

  1. Humidity

High humidity can damage solar panels by causing corrosion and reducing their lifespan.

  1. Dust and Dirt

Dust and dirt accumulation on solar panels can block sunlight, reducing efficiency and potentially causing damage, thereby decreasing their lifespan.

Maintenance of Solar Panels

Ensuring their optimal performance and longevity requires proper maintenance of solar panels. By conducting regular maintenance, you can guarantee that your solar panels are operating efficiently and delivering maximum results.

Why Is Maintenance of Solar Panels So Significant?

Solar panels are a long-term investment that demands regular maintenance to keep them functioning effectively. Through consistent maintenance, you can:

– Enhance solar panel efficiency: Regular maintenance can enhance solar panel efficiency by removing dirt or dust that accumulates on the panel surface.

– Prolong lifespan: By maintaining your solar panels, you can extend their lifespan, thereby maximizing your return on investment.

– Prevent damage: Regular checks and maintenance can help identify potential issues before they escalate into significant damage.

– Minimize repair costs: By preventing serious damage, you can minimize potential repair expenses.

Steps for Maintaining Solar Panels

The following are the steps for maintaining solar panels.

  1. Regularly Clean the Panel Surface

The initial step involves regular cleaning of the solar panel surface. Dust, pollution, and other debris can build up on the panel surface, hindering efficient sunlight absorption. It’s advisable to clean the panels with running water. In general, solar panels installed at an angle can self-clean when exposed to heavy rain. However, if dust accumulates, especially after a prolonged dry season, you can clean the panels with running water and a soft cloth. It’s important to use clean water for cleaning. If using soap, it should be mixed with water first. Avoid directly pouring soap onto the panels, as the chemicals may leave marks and be difficult to clean.

  1. Inspect and Clean the Cable Channel

Cable lines are a crucial component of a solar panel system. Regularly inspecting and cleaning the cable lines is essential to ensure there is no damage or interference that could impact the solar panel’s performance.

  1. Monitor Solar Panel Performance

Monitoring the performance of solar panels is a crucial maintenance step. By monitoring their performance, you can identify potential issues and take necessary actions.

  1. Conduct Routine Visual Inspections

Regular visual inspections of your solar panels are a good way to identify potential problems or damage. Check the physical condition of the panels, as well as the connections and clamps, to ensure they are secure and properly connected.

How to Repair or Replace Solar Panels

If your panels require repair or replacement, it’s best to enlist the services of a professional.

– If the panels are losing efficiency and are still under performance or power warranty, contact the company that installed them. They will send someone to assess the situation and either rectify the issue or replace the panel.

– Physical damage to your solar panels is typically covered under a separate equipment warranty. You can collaborate with your solar panel installer to determine the best course of action for replacing the panels. Under no circumstances should you try to install solar panels or perform maintenance unless you are familiar with residential solar systems.

Common Causes of Damage and Defects in Solar Panels

When it comes to solar power, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. One of the major advantages of solar energy is the durability of its components. Panels typically have a lifespan of over 25 years and contain minimal moving parts, depending on the complexity of your system. However, exposure to the elements and other factors can still cause damage.

  1. Solar panels can endure substantial outdoor damage, but they do have limitations. They consist of multiple layers of material enclosed in a metal frame, held together by adhesives and silicone seals for weather resistance.

As they get older, seals and adhesives can become rigid and weak, allowing water to penetrate the solar panels, which can reduce their ability to produce electricity. Airborne contaminants settling on the glass surface can cause external damage when blown away by the wind. Other aging factors include cell degradation and contamination, which can worsen without regular solar panel maintenance.

  1. Tree branches and other debris falling from above can cause damage to solar panels. Despite being durable, solar panels are not indestructible. Falling tree branches can break the glass covering the solar panels and damage the solar cells beneath. Rocks and sports equipment like balls can also cause similar damage.
  2. Debris such as airborne particles, although not immediately visible, can harm the protective glass on solar panels. These particles, whether visible in flight or not, can cause minor damage by scratching the glass. Even the cleanest country air contains numerous particles that can cause issues over time.
  3. Over time or due to manufacturing defects, water entering the solar panels can harm the components inside and render them unusable or damaged. Solar panels can withstand water from most sources, such as rain and dew, and have built-in drainage methods. However, a broken seal can allow damaging water to enter that the panel is not equipped to handle.
  4. While solar panels can withstand most natural elements, high winds and hail caused by wind, debris, and tree limbs can shatter glass and damage even the strongest panels.

Steps to Take If Your Solar Panels Sustain Damage

There are several methods to identify damage to your solar panels. A visual inspection can reveal broken or cracked glass, issues with the frame or mounting, or damaged or disconnected wiring.

Your power inverter may also show an error message if designed to do so. Alternatively, you may notice a decrease in power output from your system, indicating an internal problem with your solar panels.

How to Choose Between Repairing and Replacing Solar Panels

Although the cost of solar panels and their replacement has been decreasing over the years, it is still relatively high. However, if a solar panel malfunctions, there are a few repair scenarios that may be preferable to simply installing a new panel.

Broken or scratched glass can often be repaired by a trained technician. However, this task must be done off-site, meaning you or a professional technician will have to remove and reinstall the panel. Be aware that the cost of this process can be as much as buying a new panel. On the other hand, problems with wiring and other components can usually be fixed by installing the panel.

To determine whether your damaged solar panel needs repair or replacement, compare the repair cost with the replacement cost. Also, consider that repairing the solar panel may void any remaining warranty on the device.

What to Do If Your Solar Panels Are Damaged

If you suspect damage to your solar panels, the first step is to contact a qualified solar energy system installation or repair company. A technician can accurately assess the type and extent of the damage.

However, the technician’s most important task is to advise on restoring the system and the associated costs. The solution may involve repairing or replacing the panel. It is crucial for the technician or installing company to provide this information to ensure that the solution will not void any warranty on the entire system, not just the warranty on the damaged panel.

Is it possible for me to decide not to repair damaged solar panels?

Deciding not to repair a damaged solar panel in your system is occasionally an option. However, it’s important to note that some homeowners’ insurance policies and certain warranties cover specific types of damage to solar panels. It may be in your best interest to proceed with the repairs or replacement of damaged components.

Even if one or more panels are deactivated due to damage, the remainder of your solar array may still function. Your professional technician can make adjustments if necessary. Since your system as a whole will generate less power, it may not be sufficient for your needs.

In essence, depending on the system’s age, overall condition, and the guidance of a professional following an inspection, it may be feasible to continue operating the undamaged parts of the solar system until it’s time to replace all the panels. However, it’s important to first seek advice from a professional.