Things to Know about Ceramic Bathroom Wall Tiles

When it comes to the practical matters, ceramic bathroom wall tiles would serve with a lot of benefits for you. But there are some other facts you need to know about this material before you choose which one to stick with. Other than that, it offers a wide range of options when it comes to texture and color.

Another interesting thing about ceramic is that this material often appears cheaper than porcelain. Besides, ceramic is lighter though. However, there are several cons you need to acknowledge about ceramic too. Since it is not as strong as porcelain could be, ceramic is also not the best surface for walking. It could turn very cold when the winter comes.

Basic things about ceramic tile

Ceramic tiles offer wide ranges of colors, textures, and shape. This material is generally made of white or red clay that later gets burned in the fire with a certain process. Some people consider porcelain as a family member of ceramic. However, we will exclude porcelain from the list.

Typically, ceramic tiles are priced less than USD 2 per square foot. If you use the high-end ceramic tiles, it could cost between USD 20 and USD 40 or so per square foot. Averagely, you can buy it around USD 8 per square foot.

The pros

Ceramic tiles are very affordable and available on various options. You can make it customized according to your need like for the soap dishes, chair rails, and many more. The process of making ceramic allows you to get the shape you like.

The cons

However, as we have mentioned earlier, porcelain is much stronger than ceramic tiles. It makes this material lacks in its strength. Sometimes the price defines the quality though.


If you will choose to use ceramic tiles for your bathroom or other rooms, make sure that you purchase the strong one. The simplest way to test it is by buying a sample and cleaning it with nylon scrub brush in soapy water. This test could tell you if the ceramic is the best in quality or not.


Installing ceramic tile does not need drama since you can make it as a DIY project. Other than that, most ceramic tiles on the market nowadays have the arrow on its back. If you do that on the DIY project, make sure you line the tiles up the same way to get the right look. So, this is anything you need to know about ceramic bathroom wall tiles.