5 sofa features that may surprise you



You may be thinking: A sofa should be comfortable, look good, and be durable – what particular function can it have? You’ll be amazed at what’s out there today. And nothing was blocking grandma’s sofa, but she couldn’t keep up with it…

  1. Sleep, rest, relax

OK, it must be admitted: Sofa beds aren’t a new invention. We have a separate post, especially for you, on this topic. But it’s no longer just about turning a sofa into a bed in just a few simple steps. Today’s sofas have backrests or footrests that can be folded. The sofa suddenly becomes a lounge chair – only much more comfortable. Good examples are sofas and armchairs.

They may also have adjustable lumbar support or even heated seats, like those found in high-quality cars. If the armrests are adjustable, you can also take a nap on the sofa.

  1. Drink holder

You’ll know this from modern movie theaters: Cup holders are in the backrest. This is a small function but sometimes quite significant. Your favorite after-work drink has found a place that is always easy to reach and won’t fall over easily. Because you want to relax, right?

  1. Socket for your gadget

Smartphones, tablets, Bluetooth headphones—we have an increasing number of devices that need to be constantly supplied with fresh energy. But sitting on the sofa, of all places, the socket was far away. It doesn’t have to be! Some sofas have a power supply behind the backrest or cushion. You can now charge your gadgets and don’t have to worry about long cables. The connection will be out of sight when you don’t need power.

  1. Storage space

As we know, there is space in the smallest hut – you need to know how to use it. And one thing is clear: sofas, in particular, sometimes take up a lot of space. Only some things are actually needed for the couch itself. Depending on the model, you can hide a flat storage box under the sofa. Some models even offer storage space, for example, in the armrest or under the seat. Magazines, remote controls, or even a cozy blanket for winter can be found here.

  1. Flexible seating depth

Those who have back problems will look closely at the sofa to see how well it fits their body. Fortunately, there are some models where you can, for example, adjust the seat depth at a moment’s notice—depending on the needs of the moment.


As you can see, today, a sofa can be more than just a place to sit. It can be helpful and flexible according to your needs. And in the end, it will be useless. There is almost no furniture we will use (and hopefully enjoy!) while we are awake other than the sofa.