Tips for caring for leather and fabric sofas



Ideally, a sofa or living room will bring you joy for many years. This includes having the top material professionally treated and cleaning it if necessary. It’s not just pets that make sofas face unique challenges every day. On the contrary, everyday life shows that there is always a need for maintenance and cleaning – no matter how sturdy the sofa is.

The way you care for and clean a sofa depends on its material. Leather sofas have very different requirements than sofas with fabric covers.

Complying with the manufacturer’s instructions is also important in the first step. We present some useful tips from “Grandma’s Box of Tricks,” which can be quite effective. However, if the manufacturer explicitly advises against this on their models, it certainly shouldn’t be tried!

It’s a good practice to test new cleaning and maintenance methods on an inconspicuous area first.

Leather sofa – elegant and stylish

Leather sofas are exquisite pieces of furniture with an impressive appearance. But how hard is it to clean? The good news is that it usually takes a little time. You don’t need to do basic cleaning if you also remove coarse dirt directly.

Note: The following tips apply to genuine leather. Since there are many types of leather, you should always follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Or ask when buying!

Tip No. 1: Distilled water helps avoid limescale residue

Are you tired of the remaining water after cleaning the sofa? It does not matter! In this case, you should always choose distilled water when wet wiping the sofa (using a leather cloth). And we mean “moist,” not “wet.” Then, take a second cloth to absorb the moisture.

The rule of thumb: Clean leather sofas weekly with a dry cloth and monthly with a damp cloth.

Tip No. 2: Use alcohol, soap, etc., only on certain skin types!

“Harder ingredients,” such as alcohol or various types of soap, should only be used on certain skin types! This means heavier dirt can often be removed from washable leather with soap and aniline leather with spirit. However, it would help if you were always careful when experimenting. Sensitive skin types, in particular, may be offended by such efforts. In general, it’s best to use neutral soap. If not, using regular soap will make the skin even drier.

Tip No. 3: Sand (only with suede and very carefully!)

Sandpaper is also a tool that should only come into contact with some skin types. However, you may want to remove rough dirt from your suede sofa. In that case, you should start your project carefully (!) with the help of sandpaper. The basic rule in this case is that the stain or contamination must be dry. Then, you can try to remove it gently with sandpaper. The remains can usually be sucked out.

Tip No. 4: Impregnation (seal)

If you buy a new leather sofa, it will often already be impregnated. This is intended to make the material more resistant to stains. This is especially helpful on aniline leather and suede. You will then have to repeat this impregnation regularly, as its effectiveness will be lost over time. When choosing an impregnation agent, ensure it is in harmony with the cleaning agent and your skin type!

Tip No. 5: Breastfeeding milk

The skin dries out over time and then becomes brittle. This is accelerated when exposed to direct sunlight or near a radiator. Ideally, you should avoid this. If this is not possible, use skin care milk. Note: The often-heard tip that you can also use body lotion must be corrected.

Fabric sofas – functional and trendy

Fabric sofas are a classic blend of elegant leather sofas. But how easy is this furniture to clean?

Tip #1: vacuum regularly

Fabric sofas act as dust collectors. To ensure a long service life and an attractive appearance, vacuum the couch regularly (for example, once a week). Many vacuum cleaners offer special attachments that make them more comfortable and work better.

Suppose it is a sofa with a sleeping function. In that case, removing the corresponding part of the sofa once a week and ventilating the upper material also makes sense. Lastly, you can prevent mold from forming.

Tip No. 2: Clean with a damp cloth

As with the leather sofa mentioned above, wiping with a damp cloth can remove dirt. Again, use distilled or boiled water and a simple leather cleaning cloth. 

Tip No. 3: Commercial cleaning products

You often use commercially available cleaners to remove heavy dirt from a sofa. Of course, paying attention to advertising promises and understanding the manufacturer’s specifications is also essential. This ensures that nothing gets in the way of gentle yet effective cleaning.

Clean it or buy a new one?

So, there are some great tips and helpful cleaners to extend the life of your sofa. After several years of use, the question sometimes arises as to whether cleaning is still worth it.

On the one hand, the right tools can achieve a lot. On the other hand, this does not prevent the aging of the upper material. While a well-cared-for leather sofa often becomes more beautiful with time, fabric sofas have a limited lifespan.

If the upholstery is worn out, buying a new one may be a good idea.