Guide to Buy and Use Sectional Sofa with Chaise



Have a problem with choosing the sofa for your room? Why don’t you try to use a sectional sofa with chaise? Among the many types of sofa you can find on the store, this one is maybe the best choice. The design and its functionality will help you to arrange and design your room easily. If this is your first time buying this type of sofa, below we have a beginner guide to sectional sofa with chaise.

What is the Sectional Sofa with Chaise?

The sectional sofa is a sofa that consists of several part/section that you can arrange and place individually. Unlike the old standard sofa that only has one big part of the sofa, the sectional sofa comes with much more versatility. This feature allows you to create any placement or looks that you want in your room with your sofa. Moreover, it is also perfect for any room size.

The chaise here is another good addition. Basically, the chaise is the sofa part that has a different shape with similar type and style to the main part of a sectional sofa. Unlike the other parts that have a limitation on how you put it, the chaise part is the freedom of this type of sofa. You can use it as part of the main sofa. Or, if you want, you also can even place it in front of your sofa and make it a leg rest.

Things to Consider When You Buy Sectional Sofa with Chaise

Now, after you know what sectional sofa with chaise is, the next thing you must understand is several factors you need to consider when you want to buy it. Here they are.

  • The direction where the sofa will face

Many people make a mistake when they buy a sectional sofa because they don’t consider where they want their sofa direction. The result is the sofa takes the space that isn’t supposed to be used for sofa placement. Therefore, you need to plan it carefully. It’s easy, actually. Just stand in the room where you want to put that sofa. Now, imagine the direction where you want to that sofa face. It helps you to find out the left-facing or right-facing style sectional sofa.

The next thing to consider is the chaise part. Actually, it’s much easier. The chaise part usually has a smaller size than the main parts. Therefore, you can place it freely. As long you have the right facing style for the main sofa, you don’t need to worry about chaise.

  • Measure the area

Another thing you must do is measuring the area where you want to place the sofa. The first thing you must do is finding the sofa that you want to buy. This is the reason why you should find a store that has an official website or online store. On that website, you can easily find the product image, shape and sizes. From that information, you can measure the space in your room to match that size and shape.

Measuring the area also help you to decide where the sofa will be facing later. So, these two things that you need to consider first have a strong relation to each other. And, it is important to do them before you buy the sectional sofa.

  • Float the sofa

When you consider the area to place the sofa, you don’t need to always use the old method. A soda must close to the wall. The sectional sofa with chaise is also perfect if you place it far from the wall or even in the middle of the room. This is what we usually called as the float placement. Consider using this placement, if you have more spaces in your room.

Match the Sofa with Others

After you make preparation for buying the sectional sofa, the next thing you need to do is planning how you will match other objects with your sectional sofa. Here are basic things that you can do to create a good combination.

  • The rug size

Choose the rug that has a bigger size than the sectional sofa that you are going to buy. Or, if you already have the rug, you can choose the sofa that has matched size with the rug. Why we should do it? If you choose the bigger rug, it also makes your room feels and looks bigger.

On the other hand, if you can only find a sectional sofa with chaise that has bigger size than your rug, you don’t need to worry. In order to make the smaller rug match your sofa, try to combine the rug with natural-fiber style surface or texture under it. Make this layer placement and it matches perfectly with your sofa.

  • Coffee table

Next is the coffee table. Make sure that you have a big enough coffee table that everyone that sits on the sofa can reach it. Moreover, if you use a large rug, place the coffee table inside the rug area. Do not make the part of the table go out of the area.

  • Pillow

Choose big size pillow for your sofa that can stand when you place on your sofa. Moreover, you also need to place it in each corner of the sectional sofa. It will give your sofa bigger and softy looks that make you feel more comfortable when you sit on it.

  • Console table

For floating type sectional sofa, considering a console table that will fill the area between the sofa and the wall. Then, use this table to place decoration, such as a plant or flower. It can create a beautiful view and guide the views to the main focal point of your room, your sectional sofa with chaise.


Sectional sofa with chaise isn’t a simple sofa or furniture for your room. With proper preparation and planning, this furniture becomes one of the most important things in your room design. It becomes the focal point and the part that improve your room appearance. Now, find the store where you can buy the sectional sofa that you want.