A Beginner Guide for Modern Leather Sofa



Furniture affects two things in your room, which is comfort and beauty. The material gives you a comfortable feeling when you use it. And, its pattern, color or texture also creates a specific nuance for your room. Among many different types of furniture, modern leather sofa is one of the best material choices for your room. Why?

The Leather Material

The material should be real leather. You can’t use synthetic leather. The real leather gives you more benefits than the synthetic one. The real leather, with proper treatment and maintenance, turns into more beautiful look along the time. The faded color, as well as the aging pattern, creates a high-value pattern that you won’t get from the synthetic leather.

Even though it doesn’t have durability as high as the synthetic one, but a real leather sofa can last quite long. So, you don’t need to change it too often. You may have to pay more in the beginning. But, see it as an investment for one of the best sofa and furniture you ever placed and used in your room.

The Colors

As we mentioned before, the faded color creates a unique and artistic appearance. Moreover, you also can choose many different colors for leather sofa today. The standard black, brown or white is the safest choice if you don’t want to make a mistake that can ruin your interior design. But, for you who want to explore more, there are other colors you can choose.

The color available is varying, from red, blue, yellow and even pink. The many color options here means you also have more option to match your leather sofa with your room design style. For example, if you use a modern girly style, you can always use the pink or soft color modern leather sofa. But, before you buy the leather sofa with your favorite color, make sure you choose the product that’s made of real leather.

The Design

The contemporary style leather sofa is not similar to the classic sofa. Nowadays, the modern sofa is available in different design and shape. It means that you have more choice for how you will make your room looks like with this sofa. Just make sure you choose the right size, so it won’t take too much space in your room or leave too much empty area which can make your room look gloomy.

On the store, we also can find many types of modern sofa that are made of leather. But, for the safest choice, choose the sectional sofa type. The sectional sofa has many benefits and function. This sofa is designed to have many sections that you can separate, arrange, and use individually. This design is very useful for you who have limited space in your room.

Moreover, with the freedom to move and arrange your sectional sofa set, you also can adjust the design that you need. You can even use only parts of it that fit your room size. Then, you can place the unused section in another room. For example, you buy a large sectional leather sofa and put it in your living room. But, there is one small part of a sofa that doesn’t fit in that room. You can use it as the makeup chair in your bedroom.

Maintaining and Treating Your Modern Leather Sofa

By looking at all those benefits, modern leather sofa is indeed a good investment. It is valuable furniture for your room. For that reason, you also need to treat it carefully and provide proper and regular maintenance. As mentioned before, with good treatment and maintenance, your leather sofa can last longer. So, below we have several tips for treating and maintaining your leather sofa.

  • Wipe the dust

The easiest method to maintain your leather sofa condition is by wiping the dust and other dirt on your sofa surface. Use a soft cloth that has been soaked on the water. Make sure you squeeze the water out and make it damped. Then, just wipe the surface slowly until all the dirt and dust is removed. You need to do it regularly. You don’t have to do it every day. Once or twice a week is enough. If you keep the dust accumulating for a very long time, it can damage the leather material.

  • Avoid stains and sharp object

Usually, we never realized that the clothes and pants that we wear have color material that can stain the leather material on our sofa. We just sit on it every day and then we realize that there is some change on the sofa surface. Once you got this stain, it will difficult to remove. Therefore, make sure you know your clothes material and color. Do not wear the clothes that can stain the sofa, if you want to sit on it.

Avoid sharp object as well. Usually, it comes from the belt, wallet or bag that you put on your sofa. Make sure you remove the sharp object before you sit on it. Ask your guest to do the same, before you allow them to sit on your modern leather sofa.

  • Avoid sunlight

The faded color from aging and too much sunlight exposure are two different things. The aging faded color is much more beautiful. But, if the faded color is caused by sunlight, it looks bad. So, the solution is simple. Before you buy the modern leather sofa, plan the placement of that furniture first. Do not put your leather sofa near the windows or another area where the sunlight can easily reach.


Buying a modern leather sofa for your room is always a good decision you can choose. The sofa will give you comfort. Its appearance will add more beauty to your room. And, with the right treatment and maintenance, you also can save more money for your room furniture. Now, what you need to do is finding the best store where you can buy it. It would be better if that store also provides a treatment service.