5 Best Small Round Dining Table Ideas for Narrow Spaces

Are you wondering if a small round dining table is the right choice for you? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. It’s no secret that choosing the right dining table can be a daunting task for some of us. With a lot of choices available, it’s not impossible for us to find it confusing to choose.

When it comes to the shape of your table, it’s actually not only about preferring one shape over the other. Not that your preference for a particular shape doesn’t matter, but there are basically a number of other things that you need to take into account.

It seems overwhelming to get started, isn’t it? If you want to make the most of your dining room, taking a few minutes to read this following information will be worthy. In the end, you’ll know whether a small round dining table is really for you or not. So, check this out.

Rectangular VS Small Round Dining Table

When it comes to determining the shape of your dining table, the shape and the size of your dining area and the number of people that will use the dining table should be the main factors to consider. You’ll be able to find a certain shape to match these factors.

Rectangular and round dining tables are no doubt the most popular choices among homeowners. A rectangular dining table is considered as the most common one since most dining areas are also rectangular. Then, it’s also a good shape to seat more than four family members.

Then, how about a small round dining table? It might not as popular as rectangular ones, but there’s a good reason to use this kind of dining table. It’s safe to say that this is one of the best shapes for small gatherings because everyone is able to see everyone else.

However, a round table is probably not ideal for larger gatherings. It’s because the setting feels more comfortable and intimate with small gatherings. If you go with a large round table, you might be able to still see the others but they seem far away. And it will be hard to carry on a conversation.

Why Choosing a Round Dining Table

Now the question is: when a round dining table makes a great choice for you? Actually, there are some good reasons that make it a perfect solution. In today’s modern life where a family dinner tends to be a little bit more casual, a small round dining table can always be a good idea.

1. To create a more intimate setting

This is one of the best reasons to bring a round table into your dining room. Round dining tables tend to encourage intimacy as you can sit a bit closer to the others. According to feng shui, this kind of table is claimed to create positive energy that encourages a sense of unity too.

2. To provide better space for entertainment

Does your family love to play a board game or card game while waiting for dinner? If so, a round dining table will be a great choice for you. Thanks to the common center, you can play the game easily with your family members while waiting for dinner to be ready.

3. To make a great solution for small spaces

A small round dining table is surely a perfect solution for small spaces. You don’t need to be bothered by the pointed edges while you get in and out of your seat. Interestingly, there’s also that round dining tables which can be pulled out to accommodate more guests when needed.

Top 5 Best Round Dining Tables for Small Spaces

For those looking for dining tables for small spaces, there are a lot of small round tables available on the market. Some of them can even fit the tightest dining space and set a great stage for gatherings. To help you find your best choice, here are five dining tables for your small space.

1. Small Round Bistro Table with Marble Top

A small round bistro table can be a perfect choice for your small dining room. The available surface on the tabletop is suitable to seat up to four people comfortably. Go with the one that has a white marble top to add a striking appearance in your dining area.

2. Round Dining Table with Wooden Base

A small round dining table with wooden base has always been a great choice for any dining room. With faux marble top, this kind of dining table will make a great option to add modern charm in your spaces. You can simply pair it with a few chairs for comfortable dinner time.

3. Round Dining Table with Boho Chic Hexagonal Base

If you want to merge traditional and modern style in your dining area, this round dining table can be a great choice. Coming with boho-chic hexagonal base that supports white volakas marble top, this dining table is more than enough to provide elegant charm in your dining area.

4. Round Solid Wood Plank Dining Table

Are you looking for a small round dining table that is able to last for a long time? A round solid wood plank dining table will be a nice option for you. Choose the one that comes with a metal base for an industrial look in your dining area.

5. Modern Patterned Round Dining Table

Do you want to bring something more exceptional into your dining area? Then, you should find a round dining table that features geometric patterns on its wood top and gold-trimmed bases. There’s no doubt that your dining table will be an outstanding focal point in your dining area with its striking pattern and gold legs.

All in all, round dining tables can be a great choice especially if you have a narrow dining area at home. They will be able to provide an intimate setting and a fun space for playing family games together before dinner. Hope you enjoy these small round dining table ideas and have a nice day!