Let’s Arrange Beautifully the Benchcraft Sofa in the Living Room!



All of the people may not strange with a benchcraft sofa and some of you may have a plan to buy this kind of sofa. This sofa is very simple for your minimalist living room. Well, after buying a sofa, don’t be confused about where to put the sofa. Make a sofa arrangement plan first.

Previously, it was necessary to know that Sofa is household furniture that has an important role. Usually, the sofa will be installed in rooms such as the living room or family room. In addition to functioning as a seat, the sofa can also function as a sweetener of the room. Well, arranging a sofa especially for the living room can’t be careless, considering the living room is the front room which gives the first impression for guests who visit the house. Especially if the living room in your house is not too large.

So, make sure the arrangement of the sofa in your living room matches the purpose and needs of your activities in the living room. Try following some of the ideas below so that your living room becomes more comfortable.

Put the bench craft sofa in face position

For a formal living room, structuring a face-to-face sofa will be more appropriate because you can have the right distance to interact with your guests. Sitting face to face in a sufficient distance will give a polite impression without the impression of being too distant. Place a two-seater sofa on one side and a sofa or another armchair on the opposite side. Don’t forget to add a coffee table with a balanced size in the middle. Make sure the height of the sofa is not lower than the height of the coffee table so that your guests have no trouble taking drinks or food that you serve.

Selection of the type of sofa for a formal living room also needs to be considered. No need to choose a sofa that is very soft and comfortable because it will make guests ‘unfamiliar’ uncomfortable.

Use one side to arrange the benchcraft sofa

Meanwhile, if you want to arrange the sofa in your informal living room, which means you can interact more closely and intimately, you can choose to use a type of loveseat sofa.

Place this sofa against one side of the wall, then add the coffee table in front of it. You can also add an ottoman that doubles as an extra table or chair. On the right and left side of the sofa, you can add a small table to put ornaments such as fresh flowers in a clear vase or a beautiful table lamp.

Utilize the angle in laying a benchcraft sofa

If your living room is fairly small, but you often receive many guests at home, maximize the use of space in your living room. Look for a sofa that can accommodate many people and can be placed in the corner of the room to form the letter L.

Try sofa benchcraft arrangement with diagonal position

If you are bored with formal and straightforward living room arrangement, this time you can arrange your sofa and coffee table diagonally. This diagonal position will also make your room look more dynamic and not stiff.

Those are some ideas to arrange your benchcraft sofa.